Hyperhidrosis Surgery

How To Cure Sweaty Hands Permanently

Having sweaty hands can be a tad embarrassing, especially when socializing or at a professional meet. Thankfully, there is hope at reclaiming control over your body. This article explores the available remedies, including a permanent excessive sweating treatment method.

Understanding Sweaty Hands

Overactive sweat glands can lead to sweaty hands, a condition medically known as palmar hyperhidrosis. It’s a widespread condition, and although not life-threatening, it can be emotionally distressing and often a professional hindrance.

Counseling and Behavioral Modifications

Though it might seem trivial, approaching a counselor can help in cases where the sweating is triggered by anxiety or stress. They often recommend introducing lifestyle modifications such as using relaxation techniques, avoiding triggers, or wearing loose and breathable clothing.


Over-the-counter antiperspirants are a common temporary solution. They work by blocking the sweat ducts, thereby reducing the amount of perspiration that reaches your skin. Choose antiperspirants rich in aluminum chloride for their increased efficacy. Apply it to dry hands overnight, then wash it off in the morning.

Oral Medications

For severe cases, doctors sometimes prescribe oral medications like anticholinergics, which reduce sweating. However, they may come with certain side effects like dry mouth and blurred vision. Hence, this treatment method should be considered as a last resort.


This treatment involves passing a mild electrical current through water to your hand. The mechanism behind it is not completely understood, but it’s thought to block the sweat glands temporarily. Consistent treatment for several weeks can lead to a significant reduction in sweating.

Botox(A) Injections

Botox(A) injections offer relief for around six to twelve months. Injected directly into the underarm skin, they block the nerves that trigger the sweat glands. However, this procedure can cause temporary discomfort and isn’t a permanent solution.

Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS)

ETS is a surgical intervention for cases where other treatments have failed. The surgeon inserts a tiny camera into your chest under anesthesia, cuts or destroys specific nerves to stop the signal to sweat glands in your hands. This procedure, though very effective, should be the final resort due to its invasiveness and the risk of compensatory sweating (increased sweating in other parts of the body).

microwave thermolysis(miraDry)

For a permanent excessive sweating treatment, miraDry stands out. An FDA-approved non-invasive procedure uses targeted heat to destroy the sweat glands, providing a permanent solution to sweaty hands. While the cost may be higher than other treatments, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial expense. Side effects include temporary swelling, soreness, and tingling, but these usually resolve within a few weeks.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all cure for sweaty hands, understanding that this isn’t a rare or isolated condition can be comforting. Remember that it’s absolutely okay to reach out to professionals who can help determine the best treatment route, which may very well be a permanent excessive sweating treatment.


Living with sweaty hands can be challenging, but it’s by no means unmanageable. With a variety of treatment options from lifestyle changes to permanent excessive sweating treatments such as miraDry, a sweat-free life is entirely within your grasp. Remember, every journey begins with a single step.